Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ray & I checked out 300 at the Cinerama downtown Seattle-such crazy graphics, our butts were glued to the seat until the very second the movie ended! 1 hour 57 minutes long the storyline, graphics, everything about the movie tractor-beamed us into Sparta...
If you need any motivation to get in shape whatsoever this movie does a great job....little men running around with shredded bodies and rugged faces! The actors had extreme intensity, Quentin Tarentino did a superb job! We stuck around and shopped downtown for a bit, but we noticed 3 different showings for 300, the ticket lines backed up around the block, at least 2 corners, totally insane! Glad we went for the 1:30pm show!
I'm anxious to see what 300 picks up for grossing this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

except it was a Frank Miller film not Terrintino