Friday, August 31, 2007

Daily Grind

I thought it makes sense to post what we do during the times that we're not shooting. I don't really know what else to blog about today since its a holiday and no one is reading this post.

Here's what my average office day looks like:

7am wake up, eat healthy breakfast
8 shower, dress, sip coffee while surfing web
8:30 brain is warmed up, answer calls/emails from previous day/look at calendar
10:30 snacktime (mmm rice krispy treats)
11 post-processing begins
1pm lunchtime (fresh veggies & protein serving, call Ray at work)
1:30 post-processing
2:30 research photography stuff (Very important part of day)
4pm upload projects to Pictage (do aerobics while stuff uploads)
5pm back up projects that are uploading
6pm answer incoming emails (answer mom's phone call)
7pm scratch head, 7th inning stretch
8-9pm answer last few emails
10 blogaholic

Thanks for reading! Have a happy Labor Day!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Continuing education

Thanks for bearing with us in August, it was SO nutty, over 20 photo shoots and every weekend booked solid with weddings (not to mentioned WE MOVED!) . Thanks everyone for being champs and sticking it out with us through the obstacle course! Next up: Liz & Dave's wedding in cancun...

Jazzy news: I registered today for the Joe Buissink workshop in Portland in October! Rock on! Joe is a-m-a-z-i-n-g! He's not only a well-known celebrity photographer but also an amazing storyteller through pictures. I love his character, his integrity, his talent for capturing the moment! For those 3 days I hope to experience Joe, his art, his work, everything and sponge up lots of info from the people around me. Workshops rock!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Amy+ Philip

Fighting the elements: did we ever! 08.25.07 exhibited the funkiest Washington weather! The clouds were sweating, the sun was shining, it varied between a downpour and hardcore sunshine! Nonetheless Amy & Philip put on a fantastic celebration...

Isn't she radiant? I adore her personality!

At a time where it seems natural to feel worn from shooting each and every weekend, Amy & Philip's wedding jolted us with a much needed flavor of LOVE! It was the biggest treat, right when Ray and I needed it the most.

Amy & Philip gifted us complete photo freedom. We experimented a lot more than we usually have time for. I feel very fortunate to work with people who give us as much time as we want/need. Just for giggles: Amy is a talented wedding photographer and graphic designer. Normally the pressure is ON working with for other photographers, but its something about her personality that makes the world seem carefree.

Too bad she's taken guys!

Occasionally we take photo this one- oldie but goodie...

Count them, 1-22....

Hecka mean clouds

Last but not least, we swiped orgazna to use on our photo shoot on the ferry! Put them to good use on our way back to Seattle. Omigosh these two were so much fun!!

Have fun in Italy my dears!!!

2007/2008 Travel

Here's some updated travel info, Ray and I will be out of town quite a bit for the month of September/October. And you thought wedding season was over.... we're also taking 2 weeks off next month: the parents are visiting! YAY!!!

09.01.07 Seattle, WA
09.02.07 Bothell, WA
09.07.07 Seattle, WA
09.08-09.21.07 Off the map
09.22.07 Rochester, WA
09.28-29 Portland, WA
10.06.07 Seattle, WA
10.13.07 Seattle, WA
10.27.07 Portland, OR
11.01.07 Tennessee/Kentucky


01.04-01.09 Tampa, FL
03.08.08 Seattle, WA
03.16-20.08 Las Vegas, NV
03.22.08 Seattle, WA
04.05.08 Seattle, WA
05.10.-05.11. 08 Marina, CA
06.21.08 Malibu, CA
07.26.08 Puyallup, WA
07.27.08 Seattle, WA
08.02.08 Portland, OR
08.22.08 Poulsbo, WA
08.30.08 Seattle, WA

Monday, August 27, 2007

Keri & Walt

Ta-dah! One of many kickin' album designs on their way out... today's feauture:
Keri & Walt's fantastic Cali wedding!

MUCH more to come! Thanks everybody for waiting patiently :-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yvonne's Bridal Fashion Shoot

Meet Yvonne (aka, Princess of the World!)
To see the images larger, simple click on them to open a new window. In the next blog all of the photos will be HUGE!

In the she is!

Yvonne Kacik-Gown by Henry Roth
shot at: Sorrento Hotel- Seattle, WA

These two are my faves!!

I have SOOoooo much to write about Miss Yvonne and we took SO many neat pictures, I could literally post them all. Her dress left me without words. The designer works exlusively with "I Do" Bridal in Seattle. I highly recommend this gown store for those of you looking to purchase!

More info on:
Bridal Fashion shoot

Cathy & Erwin's San Juan Island Wedding

Its long overdue to post about Cathy & Erwin's Lakedale Resort wedding on 08.18.07 !!! I'm so behind. Sheesh!

On the way to the islands: Ray & Herbie (bonding) while aboard the Anacortes Ferry. This is Herbie's first swim.

We overnighted at the wonderfully cozy Hillside House B&B on the San Juan's. Ray and I met some New Yorkers at the B&B who grew up in his hometown in the Bronx. In fact, they attended the same schools, K-8 and even high school! They even had the same principal growing up. Imagine that! Small world! Our room had the coolest art, Picasso

To unwind, we turned off the PC, and tuned out weddings (except for Cathy & Erwin's). This nugget of humor was found in our guestroom reading basket. I LOVE DAVE BARRY!!!!

When the day arrived, we were soooo ready to get the party started.

This Seattle-native lives in Chi-town, but doesn't she look stunning in the NW? She had the perfect blend of lillies & thistle!!
Erwin, the Groom, has a thing for wrestling!! He's got a larger-than-life personality.
Some hidden emotions at the ceremony...

Wedding Paparazzi

Some fun downtime...
They were so creative in thinking up this little scenario.. duckies and all!
Total funny business as the party got started!!

Ahhh Lakedale~

This is my FAVORITE shot of the day. You can't possibly know how difficult it was to orchestrate this (if you were present, you know what I mean). In the end, I had a VISION! Here it is.... like something out of the old west...
Love you guys Cathy & Erwin!!!