Sunday, December 16, 2007

Since July

My name sat on a waiting list since July for a custom blog. We're almost ready to seal the deal as part of a studio re-branding campaign. For those of you business owners out there, you know the branding process. Its a bittersweet challenge!

When its all said and done, new ads will be unique & modern. The brand will spread to albums, dvd's, packaging and so much more.... lots more artwork will be available online. I only wish we could've done this sooner; but its not a quick fix. I didn't want my brand to look as though it were tossed & thrown together. As a weekend-shooter, things like branding didn't matter. Weddings were an extra source of income & a cool hobby. Since moving to a full-time studio career, branding became integral for attracting our niche clients, especially since I discovered a LOVE for weddings. Thankfully, the finish line is in sight, you'll be the first to know when everything's ready!

1 comment:

Wesa said...

I can't wait to see it!