Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Joe Buissink in Portland

Day 1 of 3.

Challenge instructions: focus on fleeting moments.

Gear: canon 5D, 1 lens (50 1.2)

Contraband: no posing. no cropping. no photoshop. no chimping (we all cheated here). no directing. P mode only

ISO 1600

These are all straight out of the camera, I can't STAND to NOT photoshop them into perfection, but its not about perfection. Focus on the moment, the essence, the mood, the connection. People from all over came to this workshop. From Wisconsin, to Guam, to Mexico. Joe showed us his portfolio of Christina Aguilera, JLo, J.Simpson, Christina Applegate. OMG. Joe shoots weddings like nobody's business. I love being here. I feel so alive.

1 comment:

Colleen, Seattle area Photographer said...

Great images, luv, luv, luv #10 bride/veil! Kick butt lighting, great expression, wonderful flow in the veil.