Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blanco Lounge

Check out my favorite new piece of furniture for the Blanco Lounge! I spotted this snazzy treasure months ago and lusted after it!! Just one of those gottahavit things! As I flipped through Instyle Magazine, [sept. ed.] last night after work, there it was in the XOXO ad! OMG!

I called to find out the scoop on my little stand. Here's the skinny: only 1 left in inventory, floor model, 40% off the original price tag! Needless to say, I'm the proud new owner of the little silver art stand. Color me happy.

P.S. Ray picked the shade for the walls! Total Puerto Rican influence! No matter how grey the skies turn in Seattle, its always blue skies indoors! Ray's very involved in the decor. He lived a very interesting life in NY & LA. Now that my sweetpea has the chance to transform his home into a castle, you should see what he's done to the place...

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