Thursday, October 12, 2006

Starr & Lamb
Sounds like a law firm! Its just the last name of Jeff & Hillary...Soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Lamb.
Their engagement shoot was like macaroni. Cheezy and full of tender 'ronis! Ha, I crack myself up. No seriously, it wasn't cheezy at all, it was fun, funky, and beautiful. Hillary warms up to the camera like a fireplace. About 10 minutes into the shoot I realized photographing them would be a piece of cake. They felt very cozy and didn't mind a few 'april specials'......they were twirling, whirling, and smooching all over Tacoma downtown in their own romantic bubble...there's no need to talk about the weather, by looking at the photos you'll see the spectacular Seattle in the northwest has its perks!!! A great couple with beautiful smiles, fancy features, and fun-loving personalities! Stay posted for more details on their big wedding on : 08.04.07.

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