Thursday, October 26, 2006

Browsing the WPJA website (hoping to get accepted soon...) I discovered this photo and fell MADLY in love with it. I laughed OUT LOUD (we all do this occasionally and unexpectedly) when I clicked in succession and this photo popped up. Kudos to Di Bazi in Pennsylvania, Di Bazi was awarded 4th place for the contest on Details. The photo deserved higher ranking in my opinion, but again, who knows the number of submissions across the country? At any rate, I just LOVE that a fabulous, expensive, masterpiece of a cake is wedged in between the OJ and eggs. Like on the top shelf there's even stacks of groceries piled up to make room for the cake. I think weddings mix fantasy (the princess) with reality (the pea-sized budget) and are solely supported by improvisation! HA!!! Had to share this photo, thanks for visiting!

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