Friday, January 04, 2008



Leave this old blog behind and.....
Bookmark the new site!

Thank you Dave! Thank you Brock!


Hello folks! Its finally time to start the ol' blogger again after a brief holiday hiatus! As some of you may know, I'm spending 2 months in Cali visiting family & working on personal portfolio stuff while Ray is in training for his new job. My parents welcomed me (housekeeper/dogwatcher) with open arms and occasionally they let me out of the house for a few hours! HA!

For nearly 3 weeks I couldn't stand to look at my cameras or talk about weddings. The itch to shoot, from the heart, is back again after a nice break. Here are a few snaps from the Marina area! Ich Liebe California! (i love california)

A neat little factory hung in the background...

My first time seeing an artichoke in the fields!

Here's my goofy parents trying out their new motorcycle PA system.

On our way to the New Year's celebration downtown. The "first night" celebration kicked off with warm weather & GREAT musicians! The shuttle carted thousands of people downtown, felt like we were in Europe again riding public transportation.


Party animals in the crowd-hundreds of people stormed the stage

my dad & I at the British pub. Happy times

my mom experienced Captain Patron for the first time. don't think she liked it! ha!!!

Local Belly dancers performing downtown

The explosion of confetti at countdown!

Feeling a little woozy at this point! I guess the tagline should read: you don't need to be 100% sober to take a picture. :-)


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

How NOT to treat a customer

Customer service is extremely important to me, I'm careful who I give my business to. Life is too short to pay for bad service.

story: I requested information from this website company I've decided to launch with. Mistake #1 . Why? No returned coorespondance for weeks. If its one thing I can't stand, its flakey people. These web gurus never answered my emails, no phone number is listed, so I just fired off emails backdating to Dec 19th, as often as I could to various addresses on their site, hoping to get in contact with ONE human being. I waited. And waited. And waited. If they didn't have such great websites, I would go elsewhere.

At long last, this morning I get a note from the project director, whom I have never spoken with (hence no phone number listed on their site) and i LOVE her snide approach. This tells me that I can take my business elsewhere and give them the finger.

I emailed you yesterday why are you telling our support team you have not been contacted. Did you and I not speak late last night during my time off .Let me know maybe you are a different April Greer.

Signed xxxx**

Here's me giving them the finger.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I hope everyone had a fantastic string of holidays & shopping madness during the month of Decmeber!! A very Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Frohe Weinachten, Happy Hanukkah!

Seems like everyone was on the road this year, luckily no major horrific storms kept people from their destinations. I'm here in Marina, CA for an undetermined amount of time, visiting family! Family time during the holidays was absolutely fantastic

Photographically, I've not touched the camera, so no new photo- posts lately. Also, tried hard not to think about work, websites, blogging, or anything else photo-related. Its really important that we all give ourselves those "just say no' moments. Fighting the urge to check email & ditch blogging made the family time much more precious.

Meanwhile, my little sis is beginning to have contractions, we think little Kyle may be on his merry way into the world! In case you were wondering what happened, we're just chillin', soakin up good family time.

Bottoms up!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Last Photo Shoot of 2007

Our last shoot of the year went out with a bang!

P.S. I love her shoes!

This is an example of tasteful boudoir photography . To find out more about sessions, visit:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Blanco Lounge

Its almost ready-not quite, but getting closer by the day. This is our Blanco Lounge, a place for people to sit comfortably and view wedding pictures, chat, and absorb themselves with art. I can't wait for it to be finished! The lounge requires a bar, window treatments, HUGE canvas artwork, a hella girly chandalier, 1 swanky coffee table, and a nice rug. For now, here's a little sneak-

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Best of 2007 Wedding book, FREE!

note: payment plans available. please inquire for details.

Man Duties

With Ray away in training, the household has seemingly fallen apart. Serious challenge: 1 leaky dishwasher. When this ambitious blonde took charge, I managed to pull everything out except the power cord and shimmy the dishwasher from its mold as far as possible. I poked a flashlight around and assesed a very important thing: I know nothing about dishwashers. Google helped me find the right person, I then picked up the phone and called what's known as an "appliance specialist" who was happy to charge me money to assess what I already know "your dishwasher is not working properly." duhhhhhhh

I attempted to unplug the power cord from the dishwasher but I just couldn't. One too many licks to a battery as a kid. Eelectric shock isn't all its cracked up to be! I will just have to wait until the real professional shows up tomorrow. *sigh*