Sunday, December 10, 2006

Galactus Hungers.

My boyfriend Ray is a comicbook fan. He's also a huge fan of Galactus. In the comic world Galactus is like the Schwarzenegger of characters. To survive and thrive Galactus consumes all the time. Similarly, Ray maintains his size by stuffing his face with protein 24-7. In fact, he begins each day with the phrase: GALACTUS HUNGERS!!

This translates to: I'm hungry, feed my mouth. Woman wake up and cook me breakfast. Get those pancakes in my belly!
I usually smile and humor him, although its no surprise, he still cracks me up after all this time. So, this evening my little 'Galactus' indulged in New York CUPCAKES from Bellevue Square. As if there was any stopping him.

This is the Cupcake before 'Galactus' hungered.

This is the cupcake afterwards. Note: the beautiful packaging is totally destroyed!!!

Guys are like good comics. Can't live without them, can't feed 'em enough.

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