Friday, February 16, 2007

Reading Rainbow

Timothy Goes to School by Rosemary Wells

This book is my very favorite kids book! I kept it all this time!!! I must have read it a hundred times as a kid. Today, I pulled it off the shelves in search of something to BLOG about. So this book "Timothy Goes to School" is about a squirrel kid who is NOT like everyone else. He's different but has a strong need to fit in. He tries to be like Clyde, the teacher's pet, but can never match up. At the end of the first week of school, he meets a playmate, who is struggling with the same thing. They become friends and go play on the swings together, laughing until they get the hiccups. If there's ever a fire in my home, this book will be in my arms on the way out the door...its THAT special to me.

Does anyone remember those little Scholastic book club order sheets? They came maybe once or twice a month in grade school, the teacher passed out the little ordering forms and at the end of the day you rushed home to show mom and order at least $29.95 (because at that amount free stickers came with the order) of books?

I LOVED to read as a kid. My mom read to me at night and when I become a mom someday I plan to read to my kids! My favorite times in college were spent with 2 German kids. I tutored them for 2 years. They had zero understanding of the English language and after 24 months of reading them Hop on Pop & Green Eggs & Ham they began to speak back in English and read to me! Their favorite phrase: STINKY FEET! (Stinke Fuesse) The kids were ages 4 and 6, from what I understand, both girls have excelled in their English classes since. In kindergarten and second grade they're already showing remarkable progress in comparison to those who didn't have tutors. I miss my two girls Isabel & Kristin (Izzy & Krisi).

Did anyone order the magazine HIGHLIGHTS? Somehow my parents were ok with the subscription (we were strapped for cash as a young family of 5) and every month it was pure jubilation to see the mag waiting for me on the dining room table. I especially liked the find it section, where you had to stare hard at the picture to find hidden objects.

I miss those days of being a kid! I posted the covers to some of my favorite books, Ferdinand, Madeline, Strega Nona...

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