Sunday, February 11, 2007

An excercise of self-belief

I spent the afternoon on a taxing but beneficial excercise that reaffirms self-belief. My business coach said this excercise is an intregal part of becoming whole as a business person. I'm like, you're kidding right? She explained that my past is keeping me down. Shock! She clarified that because class clowns spit loogies on my ponytail in study hall, preps rioted uncontrollably in 6th grade cuz I was the poor new kid, and listening to people call me stupid my entire life, I am long overdue for this excercise. Apparently, as if I haven't been through enough teasing, I have to publish this. Ugh! It was a heart-wrenching but liberating Sunday activity! Try it sometime! Here's to putting the past in the behind! Cheers!
My weakness IMHO in raw format were:
  • I'm a bad driver.

  • I'm a total nerd and people hate me.

  • I'm messy.

  • I'm a daydreamer.

  • I can't cook.

  • I'm boring.

  • I can't hold conversation.

  • I don't like myself.

  • I'm a sea cow.

  • I have an ugly muffin top.

  • I'm a bad listener.

  • I have ugly, terrible skin.

  • I am moody.
******After "business coach translation" + positive characteristics, this is an honest self-belief mantra that I'll try to remember, rinse, and repeat daily. *********

I'm a 5'3" 26 year old, silly blonde artist. I have perfectly straight teeth and a complexion peppered with signs of adolescence. I would feel better off going to the gym instead of working long hours.

I am an outgoing risk-taker that enjoys GIANT challenges, family reunions, animals, and learning. I habitually try to read people's minds instead of listening to what they're saying. I attribute this to being led by gut instincts instead of a lot of "talk." I am honest and frighteningly open, sharing and accepting the exchange of ideas is fulfilling to me. Quiet people make me very uncomfortable.

I'm a responsible person who follows through. I make a real effort to laugh easily and enjoy other people's company. I like to have fun and most enjoy being around people who are non-judgemental. I can be more aware of negative undercurrents compared to others, although I remain generally grounded and think in realistic terms.

Others see me as a workhourse, a 'can do' person. I often surprise myself under pressure. I tend to be overly critical as a habit of unattainable perfectionism. In short, I aim to please. I have a strong core of being self-motivated and believing in the' impossible dream.' I am not the most reverant person acting under other's authority. This is surprisngly one of the most common characteristics for successful small business owners.

On the job, I love the inspiration of others, but hate the detail-oriented song and dance involved in closing a deal. I'm uncomfortable without connecting with people face to face, but can easily convey enthusiasm and encourage in person.

I'm fast, casual and easy to please when it comes to cooking and cleaning at home. I tend to put things off (like cleaning) until its unavoidable and then I have a cleaning spree. This is a repetitive process for me.

I'm intrigued by intelligence and wit and consider myself somewhat intelligent with a Bachelor's in IT. I enjoy slapstick humor and good books. I'm not much for techie talk or for arguing for the sake of proving a point. Stuffy, overly-opinionated people discourage me. A daily dose of sarscasm and poking fun at myself is healthy. I have ZERO graphic design inclinations. I am void of any decorating or architectural talents. Strangely, I deeply appreciate smart design in houses and european automobiles.

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