Monday, October 08, 2007

Flaming Dragon

Here's a little snap from the "Flaming Dragon" tatoo shop! I had the 'monroe' piercing done last week. The artist treated me SOO nice despite the fact that he looks serious. I felt calm until he swabbed me and marked the 'X'. My heart started racing!!

The artist (named Chris) explained, no matter how many tatoos he receives over the years, right before they poke him, his body goes through a fight or flight stage! The actual piercing was PAINLESS! Seriously, I wouldn't lie to you. As it heals, expect to see lots more pictures. I love it! I would also like to add that the Flaming Dragon has 50+ reviews on city search. Rightly so, they were awesome!


Chris and Shannon said...

what is a 'monroe' and can we see it ...?

April Greer Photography said...

Maybe when its healed! The monroe looks like a little beauty mark with a sparkle.

Very girly! You should get one.

Anonymous said...

the monroe was named after marilyn monroe- hence the name.
and i thought court and i were the only odd balls in the family!
i hope it heals well and i know it will to look great on you!
will there be any ink in your future?
auntie s

April Greer Photography said...

ink. EEEKKKKk i am sooo nervous about ink!

I have to say that it crossed my mind a few times. that is PERMANENT tho. I change my mind all the time! i would get old english, for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

ink,,, what can i say,,,, very addictive but not for everyone...every one that i have has a meaning to it... none are random "things",,, who knows maybe a small flower or something
auntie s