Monday, July 09, 2007

Working for Peanuts.

For the record, I'm peanutted out. No more peanuts! By that I mean, I just can't eat airline peanuts anymore. Blech!

Looking forward to a wedding in Laguna Beach this Friday the 13th! Also excited for an awesome reception in Salem, OR on Saturday. I'm racking up my frequent flying miles fo' shizzle!

Small request to brides & grooms this week: Can someone promise to call or email Ray while I'm gone? He gets lonely. He also gets lazy and attaches to the couch. I need to make sure he's consuming healthy foods and drinks while I'm gone. his email is :

Thanks everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His future m-i-l will give him a jingle! I love our Ray-Ray!
Cali hugs and kisses - mom