Monday, July 23, 2007

Urban Wedding Pictures

Its Monday morning and already the week is starting out wunderbar! Natasha & Jon's album is in the works, can't wait to share the spreads this weekend 6 days and couting! In the meantime, I'd like to say how much I enjoy shooting downtown Seattle at the Sorrento Hotel and how fun N&J were to work with (06.16.07)! Rock on girlfriend!! Tasha is a KO. KO=knockout.

She's a hottie bride sandwich with au jus. And I KNOW she's reading this...he he he

Here are two images that Lucien shot of me (blonde wearing black, holding camera) working with the Paepke's:

Here's me chimping the screen, bad habit! Chimping the screen means that I peeked at the photo RIGHT after taking it. Such a terrible habit.

One very happy Bride & Groom:

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